7* sins of a Scala beginner

Jakub Kozłowski - Scala Developer, Scalac

* - actually, 5

ScalaIO | November 2, 2017 | Lyon, France

5 sins of a Scala beginner

Jakub Kozłowski - Scala Developer, Scalac

ScalaIO | November 2, 2017 | Lyon, France

Be advised

No silver bullets

Be pragmatic about your code

Sin 1

Sacrificing readability for conciseness

Sin 1 - Sacrificing readability for conciseness


No context

Map(...).map { case (name, _) => name }

Sin 1 - Sacrificing readability for conciseness

val results = elems.map(...).flatMap(...).filter(...).groupBy(_._2)...
50 characters later...
.count(...) + 5

Unclear reasoning, hard to read/debug

Create intermediate vals with meaningful names

Sin 1 - Sacrificing readability for conciseness

trait UserInfoService {
  def fetchUserInfo(userId: UserId) = ...

Type leaks implementation details, is too concrete, eases breaking binary compatibility

Specify annotation with the right level of abstraction
def fetchUserInfo(userId: UserId): Future[Option[UserInfo]] = ???

Rule of thumb - if you aren't:

storing your code on a floppy disk

writing a tweet

writing Game of Thrones

You don't need to spare characters to make anyone happy

Sin 1 - Sacrificing readability for conciseness

"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute"

Think about how much meaning your code has, not how many characters you save

Sin 2

Feature overuse

Sin 2 - Feature overuse

case class UserService(http: Http) {
  def fetchUser(id: UserId): Future[User] = http.get(...)

just use apply or new

Sin 2 - Feature overuse

val resultF = WS url "https://google.com" withHeaders (...)
  withQueryString (...) get
Hard to read, postfix requires feature flag import

Use dot notation for non-symbolic names

Sin 2 - Feature overuse

def extract(name: String): (String, String)
No context, no meaning, no type safety

def extract(name: String): (FirstName, LastName)
def extract(name: String): FirstAndLastName

Sin 2 - Feature overuse

  .flatMap {
Nesting/chaining hell

For comprehensions || Applicative builder (cats/scalaz) || Extracting and naming nested functions

Sin 2 - Feature abuse

always think about readability

use the minimal viable solution for the task at hand

follow the Principle of Least Power

Sin 3

The one about implicits...

Presumably the most abused Scala feature

Sin 3 - Abusing implicits

case class UserId(value: Int) extends AnyVal
implicit def uid2i(uid: UserId): Int = uid.value
implicit def i2uid(i: Int): UserId = UserId(i)

Missing the point of value classes

Explicit conversions, e.g.


Sin 3 - Abusing implicits

implicit def s2i(s: String): Int = s.toInt
Can throw, brings confusion if used by accident

avoid implicit conversions*

implicit classes should be enough, anyway

* - unless you have an implicit value class in a trait, or have another good reason

Sin 3 - Abusing implicits

def doSth(implicit seq: List[String])
Brings a dangerous conversion to scope
implicit val x = List("hello", "world")
val a: String = 2 // java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
Also makes finding the used instance harder

Avoid implicits of standard/common type (Monad[List] is fine, List[HttpHeader] is not
Wrap the type in a value class or come up with an ADT instead

Sin 3 - Abusing implicits

def doSth(implicit seq: List[String] = List("x"))
Pure evil, makes debugging ultra hard

See previous point

Sin 3 - Abusing implicits

Implicits are a powerful feature - use it with care

Sin 4

Trying to outsmart the language

Sin 4 - Trying to outsmart the language

def printStuff(config: Config, mxn: MxN): String = {
  var builder = StringBuilder.newBuilder
  builder = builder.append("\n")
  for (i <- 0 until mxn._1) {
    for (y <- 0 until mxn._2) {
      builder = builder.append("|")
      if (config.exists(o => o._1 == (i, y))) {
        config.filter(t => t._1 == (i, y)).
          map(_._2).foreach(p => {
            builder = builder.append(p)
        } else {
           builder = builder.append(" ")
    builder = builder.append("|\n")
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String = {
    val b = new StringBuilder()
    var first = true
    b append start
    for (x <- self) {
      if (first) {
        b append x
        first = false
      else {
        b append sep
        b append x
    b append end

Sin 4 - Trying to outsmart the language

Premature optimization

Custom wrappers over libraries

and so on

Deserves its own talk...

Sin 4 - Trying to outsmart the language

don't reinvent the wheel for performance if you don't need it

see how the stdlib is implemented sometimes

you can't fix it if you can't understand it

Sin 5

Writing Java in Scala

Sin 5 - Writing Java in Scala

Boils down to writing imperative code and ignoring the type system's power

Sin 5 - Writing Java in Scala

nulls, exceptions

not explicit enough, dangerous in runtime

use Option/Either/Try/Validated etc.

Sin 5 - Writing Java in Scala

mutable state, side effects

hard to reason about, makes debugging an eternal pain

limit the scope of mutability

use more explicit effect types - IO/Free or at least Future ;)

Sin 5 - Writing Java in Scala

Stubbornly sticking to OO patterns

not always applicable

Focus on FP patterns

Sin 5 - Writing Java in Scala


silently throws an exception, is an effect

find, fold, if/else with values in each branch, etc.

Sin 5 - Writing Java in Scala

Learn the language features thoroughly

Use safe error handling techniques

Conform to the principles of FP: pure, safe code

Practice, learn, rinse and repeat


Not just Scala

Syntax and features are just the beginning

Never stop learning

What next

Thank you!


Slides: kubukoz.github.io/seven-sins-slides

Contact me:


| kubukoz@gmail.com

| kubukoz.com